12 March 2011

The Ultimate Flour Sac Reference

Our lives ? From Andy's Animation Blog

Here is a repost of one of the post I did on the 11 Second Club forum more than one year ago. It's basically a list of reference for a possible flour sac animation I wanted to make.

Unfortunately because I never had the time... Or more because my drawing skills aren't very good and I never had the time, I have never made my flour sac animation.

It quite amazing how animators, as in the Aladdin clip above, can give life to something as not human as a Flour Sac or a Carpet. I know they did it with vehicles in Cars or with fishes in Finding Nemo, but the carpet in Aladin doesn't have any facial features to help.


From The Illusion of Life
On Flick Photo Sharing

From Simplified Drawing For Planning Animation
On  Flick Photo Sharing

From Animation The Mechanics Of Motion
On Flick Photo Sharing


From Brendan Body's Blog
On This Link

From Andy's Animation
This one Is pretty funny

From Pencils And Jam Blog (can't found the link anymore)
On Flick Photo Sharing


These one from Sunny Kharbanda are pretty good.

Check also this one and that one on Youtube. 

And finaly...

This is pretty much the same principle with a sheet of paper.

From All About Techniques In Animation Production
On Flick Photo Sharing

Or with the Carpet in Alladin !
On Flick Photo Sharing

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